a person holding on to belly fat

When there is an excess amount of fat in the body, obesity is generated and makes the body unformed. Obesity is not only the root of problems for a person but also becomes the cause of many minor diseases. Enthusiasm, enthusiasm, and playfulness go away from the body and mind of such a person.
The main causes of obesity `are hereditary, ductless glands like the thyroid, and pituitary, disturbances in the functions of adrenal glands, metabolic disorders, imbalance of hormones, wrong diet, fat-enhancing diet, and ghee. Rice, butter, potatoes, sweets, sugar, bananas, meat, urad, almonds, etc. Eating more, exertion, not exercising, sleeping during the day, taking more rest, less menstrual cycle, eating more, fried Things food, etc.

In this disease, symptoms such as lack of agility, lack of enthusiasm, lethargy in performing daily tasks, exhaustion even with small tasks, breathlessness, nervousness, restlessness, excessive sweating, bad breath, diabetes, hypertension, heart weakness, heart disease, menstrual irregularities, kidney and urinary disorders, Vata disorders, arthritis, cold-cold cough, hormonal diseases, etc. are seen.
What to eat
Eat simple, digestible balanced food. Consume food in less quantity than required. Drink tomato, gourd, and cucumber juice mixed with lemon and honey. Boil potatoes and roast them in the fire and eat them. Drink a glass of water mixed with lemon juice and honey in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat cucumber, nettle, tomato, spinach, and gram dal.
Mix black salt and carom seeds in buttermilk and drink it after lunch. Eat salad regularly with meals.
What not to eat
Do not eat heavy, rich, fried, chili-spicy, spicy, and sour foods. Do not consume meat, fish, egg, ghee, oil, maida, or sugar. Avoid rice, chocolate, sweets, bananas, fried potato chips, and grapes. Do not drink tea, alcohol, or cold drinks. Do not eat almonds, pistachios, cashew nuts, butter, cream, rabri, or marmalade. Do not consume salt.
What to do in the prevention of diseases.
Go for a walk regularly in the morning. Do exercises like jumping rope, and running. Do jogging, cycling, aerobic exercise, dance, etc., and yoga. Massage the body regularly with mustard oil. Do physical work regularly. Fast once or twice a week and consume only fruit and vegetable juices. Take measures to relieve constipation.
What not to do
Do not sleep during the day. Don’t take rest all day. Don’t go on dieting while starving. Don’t eat food in haste.

I hope guys you like this post-and also read my previous post

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