IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Know about IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). and its symptoms


Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a problem of stomach specially in large intestine. We can say IBS is a situation, in this situation large intestine does not work properly. as its name suggest. the bowel gets irritated . in this situation large intestine be unbalanced. As like some time its movement become fast and some time its become slow. In other meaning , we can say it is a intestinal disorders. so lot’s of problem create in patient’s body. as like sudden diarrhoea and sudden constipation, gas ,wind,etc. ibs patient suffer lots of problems. this problem plays very important role in a person,s life. many of patient’s whole life passed in difficulties. because it is very irritated disease, many patient’s careers get ruined. which we discussed bellow in this topic.

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

  IBS symptoms be different in different patients  like , loose motion, Diarrhoea , Constipation , Stomach pain , Gas , 
  Acidity , Vomiting , Bloating, Cramp , Weakness , Wind , feel lazayness,rapid weight loss, rapid weight gain,
  feeling stress, difficulty in sleep patterns ,urgency in passing stool,extreme hunger, etc.
  Its symptoms can be seen differently in different people
  Its symptoms show in patient within 30 minutes to 2 hours after having food.                


   No any fix and scientific reasons could found of IBS till now. we can say it has two types of trigger point 1st is mental disorder
   like anxiety , depration, ocd, insomnia, nervous system etc. and 2nd is unbalanced diet routine, as like no proper food on time, taking heavey
   food as like more spicy and oily. having one type of food regular for long time. drinking more quantity of alcohol and drugs.
   ibs might be associat with a more growth of bacteria in the intestines also (bacterial overgrowth).
   3rd is it may be generics. means go through parents in Child .


   Mainly 3 type of ibs found now.

   1st is IBS-D (Diarrhoea)

    In this type of ibs a patient suffer from diarrhoea and loose motion including gas and acidity, cramp etc.
    in tis situation intestinal movement become fast so patient suffer wattery loose motion and diarrhoea. in this condition intestine 
    dose not absorbe water properly. so this problem occers. we can see physically weakness. pain in stomach after press on stomatch.
    feel dryness in tongue..in this problem we can see rapid weight loss. here may be less or more hunger in a patient.

    2nd is IBS-C (Constipation)

    Every body know that in morning or evening time a person's stomach stool dose not posses in 1 or 2 time 
    so we can say it is symptoms of constipations' 
    in ibs patient constipation occers when the movement of intestine become slow.in this condition intestine absorve more wate
    so stool be dry and it does not passes in one or two time. and a patient feels difficulty in passing stool.
    there is no smoothness in stool which passes easily 

    3rd is IBS-M (Mix) 

    Here M means (mix), in this condition patient suffer with both problem diarrhoea and constipation mainly, and also all symptoms can 
    occers.it may be alternate day diarrhoea and alternate day constipation. this situation be very trouble full, in comparison above both conditions.
    in this situation a patient be more confessed and stressed,depressed. in this situation a intestine be more sensitive.
    so we can not say about any fixed symptomes .


    When all checkup report become normal in a patient, even after that all symptoms be avilable in a patient, as like diarrhoea,constipation,bloating,
    gas ,stomach pain, wind, vomiting etc than a doctor decided to IBS diagnosis with related person.
    in this problem doctor gives medicine to patient only on behalf of  symptomes.


     Here only i am mentioning main topics and tools of treatment. because it is so seprate topics ,which i will discuss in my next post under treatment
     1- Self management
                                Analysis of diets that Which food i digest? 
                                Have FODMAP Diet.
                                Timaly and low quntity diet in one time.
                                Relaxation technique.
                                Timaly work-out
      2 -Medication
                                It should not be by your -self.
                                Here must be cunsultation of doctors 

                                I hope you like this post on IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome).
                                  Read more post........

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