Depression is a very difficult moment or situation for a related person. it is a common mental illness or problem. it is a also different mental disease. it is called also Major depressive disorder, depression becomes very serious after some period, as suicidal thoughts come to the patient’s mind. it is a traumatic disorder. sadness is the main indication of depression. while sadness can occur for other reasons, if a man or woman looks sad for the long term, then people will say, he or she is in depression.
sadness is a common and treatable illness, depression does not mean that a person has a mentally and characteristically lazy and weak mood. it is only a disease, which needs to recognize and it’s the treatment.
In this disease patient’s career become ruined, if the patient is not aware on time.
It also decreases the quality of life. because in this a patient takes more time to manage himself.
A depressed person becomes sadder additional for a long time.
He or she has not interested in any activity or meeting with anybody.
1-His mood becomes off, often and we can say he or she has been depressed mind.
2-feeling a little peace in loneliness.
3-patients consider life meaningless.
So he goes suicide or it’s thought.
4-Always think about the present and future life in negative form and regret past life.
5-feel constantly laziness and tired.
6- he feels sleepy always or less sleepy, always,
7-he does not feel like doing anything.
8- heaviness in the stomach and head or chest or muscle.
9- he can have digestion problems.
10-increased hurt beat, or sweating difficulties
11- Feeling panic(very nervous), when thinking negatively.
12- shortness in breathing due to negative chain.
13- pain in the whole body
14- concentration problems because patients always think about something.
15- sometimes feeling more hungry and sometimes less hungry.
16-something feeling happier and sometimes less happy.
Note-These all symptoms can not see in a single patient.
It may also happen that only 3 to 4 symptoms can be seen in a patient.
And it is not sure that every person has common symptoms
these may be different in all patients.
1- Major depression.
Major depression is a very serious condition this patients feel depressed for a long time and have suicidal thoughts, insomnia, fear of society, and panic.
In this type of depression, a patient is depressed for more than, a single week.
2-Persistent depression.
If a patient occurs till two years or more than two years or he or she feels sadder and has low self-esteem. he or wants to separate from society.
He feels little peace in loneliness is called persistent depression.
3-Manic or Bipolar Depression.
In this, a patient feels anything more or less for some time. sudden he feels more happy and sudden very sad or less happy .he or she can feel more sleepy or less sleepy. it is included concentration problems and suicidal opinions can come also.
4-Perinatal depression
Especially for women due to pregnancy, it occurs in the short term like during pregnancy, in this, a woman wants to destroy herself or her child. It is a sort term disease only.
1- failure in his or her goal can be the reason for depression.
2- Any person, s death can be a reason for depression, which was very closed for the patient.
3-Genetics reason – it can be transferred to a son from parents or grandparents.
4-Traumatic- Any loss like amount, in big quantity, or any loss related to career or love
5- conflict- conflict can be the reason for depression.
A most person can not handle any disputes, because he does not know how to control any conflict or dispute so it is also can be causes depression.
6- Medicine or long-term disease- can be causes depression.
7- Sometimes more achievement can be a reason for depression.
Like unbelievable achievements like a good job, a good and beautiful spouse.etc
8- sustain abuse – like drugs, alcohol, and tobacco also can be a reason for major depression.
These all products can help you for shot term anxiety, after creating major depression
9- chemically imbalances also become a reason for depression like serotonin, dopamine, etc,
10- Other brain diseases like brain tumors or any other neurons problem like anxiety, OCD, or phobia can be the reason for depression
Suggestions for the patient.
1- be aware of your disease.
2- join CBT or Take consultation with a psychiatrist.
3- Always try to think positive.
4- don’t fear society.
5- Go to a friend’s circle and market, and try to enjoy it.
6-Try to always be busy.
7- do some physical activity or exercise and do yoga and pranayama.
8- always think that I will be all right,
9- don’t have drugs or any narcotics
Suggestions for patients’ relatives or family members.
1-Make is aware the patient of the disorder.
Like it is a disorder only, here are no mistakes by you.
You will fully get well .have the patience.
2- make consultancy for him from a psychiatrist.
3- Give full support to the patient by talking to him more, Giving financial support. help him in taking decisions. etc
Note-please read one more mental situation related this topic click here