Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy[cbt}. is safe treatment process for all mental issues.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy[cbt}. is a treatment procedure, system, and method.
or we can say it is a course for All types of somatic patients like Anxiety, depression, Ocd, Phobia, etc.
In this therapy therapist or psychiatrist uses talk or discussion mainly with the patient.
due to which we also call this therapy talk therapy.
In this process, a mental health consultant advises tips and some medicine.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy[cbt}-is a safe and natural therapy .
In this talk therapy, a mental health consultant tries to break the chain of negative thoughts.
This talk treatment can take anybody, it is not, especially for mental patients only.
Because in this modern era everybody suffers from stress and hectic life
so we can say this treatment for all persons.
Because its main object moves out the negative thoughts.
And create positive thoughts and the art of living life.
If anybody has the problems of a bad lifestyle like not having proper fooding habits, Irresponsibility, and drinking liqueur habits. etc,
I mean many problems related to the mind, can resolve by cbt.
CBT counseling works in all diseases perfectly In mild and moderate level problems
Panic levels also cbt plays a good role but the maximum chances combined with medicine and cbt.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy[cbt}.
CBT has multiple different types of stages because a patient has a different -different problem in the same situation.
If we take the Example, of social anxiety or phobia.
Suppose a relative ignores patients in the way or market, for the same thing if we collect the data from 10 of the persons.
So these 10 people will tell their different 10 types of negative problems.
1st man can say he ignored me because I do not maintain a lifestyle like him.
so he will feel depressed.
2nd others feel angry because he will think about it, how dare he.
3rd one feels jealousy because he will think that person does like this reason by 3rd other people.
4th one feel easy and cool because he or she think that, may be that person cannot see the me.
or he must have been too busy, it is positive thoughts
5th no one, i will meet again with him than i will try to know about he saw me or not.
it is also positive thoughts
So, 10 people show 10 types of problems, like I mentioned above
Practically all mental issues have a negative thought chain.
Negative situation
Negative thought
Negative Emotion
Negative Behavior
Again Negative situation
So these Negative thought chains can create
Depression, Anxiety, panic level Anxiety, OCD, Phobia, Insomnia, etc
So a therapist uses CBT to break the chain of this negative thought.
1- The therapist asks questions to the patient for knowledge of the patient’s problem and his thinking nature
2-After that therapist does the plan of the treatment, firstly he tells about the disease to the patient .
and adds more thinking using talking to the patients to break down the chain of negative thoughts.
He tells the patients that in your problem this kind of problem can occur more,
be alert using these tools, this tool can be any activity or thought process OR changed way of thinking.
Now we take the Example of Panic disorder.
Suppose a patient has a strong feeling that they will die suddenly within a week or month or any time by a heart attack.
Having this think he suffers more, like his heartbeat increase, sweating comes from his body-
and he becomes very nervous, these all things comes to his mind because his relative died immediately before 4 days ago.
He thinks that the maximum factor was common between him and me.
his name’s first digit and my name’s first digit were the same.
he was so heavy like me, he also has mental issues and takes medicine like me.
he was 35 years old like me. he has two children like me. he was jobless, and struggling for a job like me, etc.
here patient can search more common thing.
and he goes in a negative thought chain.
Here he thinks only like this, while, he does not know the actual reason for the relative’s death.
And 2nd, another thing that he is thinking about commonly is because he is a patient with anxiety.
and he does not know that I am patient with anxiety and having negative thoughts.
also, he does not know any actual reason for the relative’s death because the patient is not a doctor or professional in psychology. here he thinks negative only and surrounding by negative chains
So a doctor tells the patient that it is not the symptoms of a heart attack .you feel like this only .now you have an anxiety disorder attack, which we call panic attacks also. you have not to compare with that person, all person does not dia who have mental issues. it is your wrong thought. the doctor will explain to the patient by talking properly, it is under CBT.and say You need to think positive now .you will be all right
here to break the negative chain of that patient, the doctor positively changes the thinking.
Doctors create positive thinking In patients, on every negative talk or question.
A doctor can give some medicine like anti-anxiety here if he thinks that patient has a chemical imbalance.
I hope guys like this post on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy[cbt}.
please also read my other post related to mental problems. like-
Realy I got help from your post sir