heart disease is a chronic problem in which heart creates many types of suffers, as we discussed below.
Heart disease is a condition, affecting the heart, it has many types and is the main reason for death all over the world.
Heart disease was in sixth place on the list of fatal diseases last a few years ago, but now this order has come down to one.
The reason for this is that due to increasing mental stress, polluted environment and dazzling artificial life in today’s mechanical speed
wrong living, mismatched eating habits, and bad addictions, heart diseases have taken a terrible form.
Types of heart diseases
There are many types of heart disease, and each one has its own symptoms and treatment.
Allopathic medical science stays that, there are mainly 20 types of heart diseases, whose brief description is as below
1-Congenital Heart Disease-it is innate, a general term for a range of birth defects that affect the normal way the heart works.`
2-Bradycardia– The heart beats at a lower than normal rate of 60 per minute
3-Tachie cardia– Abnormal heartbeat, the rapid heartbeat that may be regular or irregular.
4-Premature Beats or Immature beats-it can be certain medication, some illegal drugs, anxiety alcohol, etc.
5-Angina Pectoris -Severe pain in the heart due to lack of blood circulation to the heart muscle, which extends to the left shoulder or the whole arm.
6-Coronary Thrombosis -A blockage in one or more of the arteries of the heart.
coronary heart disease occurs when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle is reduced.
7-Cardiac Dilatation– it is a type of heart muscle disease that causes the heart chambers to Increase in the size of the heart cavity.
8-Articular Fibrillation– Contraction of the heart muscles.
9-Heart Block -Blockage in the heart
10-Pericarditis– Inflammation of the covering of the heart
11-Pericardial Effusion – Fluid accumulation around the heart .buildup of too much fluid in the double-layered.
12-Myocardial Degeneration -fatty degeneration, fibroid degeneration, weak heart chronic cardiac insufficiency, and senile heart.
13-Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy– Abnormal heart shape,is a heart diease in which the heart muscle becomes thickened.
muscle can make it harder for the heart to pump blood.
14-Acute Carditis– Acute inflammation around the heart.
15-Exhaustion of the heart muscles.
16-Adherent Pericardium -Adherence to the pericardium.
17-Heart failure– Stop beating of the heart.
18-Sinus Erythema- Bone cavity Reddened skin.
19-Articular Flutter -The rate of work of the heart is very fast.
20-Myocardial infarction– Heart attack.
The following are the main reasons for the occurrence of heart diseases:
Mental stress – Due to this, the bad type of fat increases in the blood, narrowing of blood vessels.
Carnivorous – While killing the animal, some such chemical elements are produced from its body, which reaches the body and causes damage to the heart and high blood pressure. Apart from this, excess protein also harms the kidney and liver in addition to the heart.
Sitting work – In most jobs, and occupations, people who work sitting for hours and do not walk or exercise daily, their digestive system is disturbed, body fat content increases, and blood pressure increases, due to which The chances of getting heart disease increase.
Heredity – If the parents and grandparents have had heart diseases, then there is a complete possibility of getting this disease in their children too.
Diabetes and high blood pressure –
People suffering from these diseases get heart disease if they do not get proper treatment.
Overweight / Obesity –
When obesity increases in the body and becomes overweight, then the chances of getting heart disease increase.
Fatty food – By eating fried things, nuts, chocolate, ice cream, etc., the bad type of fat increases in the blood and accumulates in the arteries of the blood carrier heart and causes them to narrow, leading to heart disease.
Anger and anxiety – This disturbs the mental balance and damages the heart and blood pressure. Even the heart rate gets interrupted.
Smoking, tobacco, and alcohol – these addictions are toxic to the heart and cause fatal consequences. Alcohol weakens the heart muscle.
Deficiency of Vitamins B and E – When flour is used after making it like maida, these vitamins are destroyed. The deficiency of these vitamins causes the heart, brain, and nerves to not function properly and the body’s repair function and health are adversely affected.
Increase in cholesterol – The increased cholesterol starts collecting in the arteries and narrows its passage. Tight arteries lead to high blood pressure. In these, a heart attack occurs due to a blood clot, which causes death.
Psychiatric shock – extreme joy, or grief, such as the shock of the death of a close person, causes such a blow to the heart, which leads to heart attack or even failure.
The following major symptoms are seen in heart diseases
Chest pain –
severe pain in the left side of the chest, agonizing pain going up to the arm.
Dyspnea – Difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath with slight exertion.
Palpitations – rapid and increased heartbeat.
Persistent Headache – Persistent pain in the head.
Arthopenia – Difficulty in breathing while lying down.
Syncope – To become unconscious.
Swelling of ankles – Swelling of ankles. Swelling of feet also.
Sweating – Sweating so much that the body gets wet.
Fatigue – Feeling tired without any specific reason.
Vertigo – Dizziness.
Seeing double – Seeing two of the same is a dangerous symptom.
Indigestion – sour or normal belching due to indigestion.
Cardiac arrest – the sudden death of the heart with complete stoppage of beating.
preventive diet for heart disease
-Have light, digestible, balanced food and Be vegetarian.
-Eat flour bread with bran, wheat porridge, soybean flour bread, soybean lentils, peeled moong dal, and sprouted wheat.
-Eat fresh sweet curd, cow’s milk, fat-free milk, jaggery, honey, almonds, pistachios, corn, and desi gram with peel.
-In fruits, take pomegranate, grapes, amla, apple, litchi, guava, and lemon.
-In vegetables, eat spinach, garlic, carrot, radish, tomato, ginger, coriander, onion, amaranth, and arbi. Garlic and ginger prevent blood clotting by reducing cholesterol.
-In oils, take filtered sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean, cottonseed oil, sesame oil, and mustard oil.
-Drink a cup of whey or buttermilk in the morning and after lunch.
Avoidable food which helps with heart disease.
Do not eat spicy, fried Heavy foods and hot chili. Avoid non-vege, egg, alcohol, tobacco, hard tea, coffee, and cheese.
Do not consume ghee, butter, vegetable ghee, coconut oil, palm oil, cream, male, rabri, kheer, ice cream, cake, chocolate, or biscuits.
Do not consume too much salt Avoid the consumption of pickles, papads, and chutneys.
Minimize the use of sweet things, sugar, and cold drinks.
What are the measures to help prevent diseases?
Do yoga and pranayama daily. Continue playing, swimming, and cycling.
Massage the whole body daily with mustard oil.
Go for regular walks in the open air in the morning.
Try to remove anxiety, anger, mental stress, and fear.
Man – get together with friends. Laugh and laugh, Have fun every day.
If you are single, then get married ,The risk of heart disease will be reduced.
Have faith in your ability. be confident. Turn negative feelings into positive thoughts.
Save stomach from constipation. be alert in any serious conditions like the death of his or her family person.
stop negative thought chains
Ignore these all activities.
Don’t be lazy. Do not let obesity and weight gain. Do the workaround yourself. Do not be careless about your health. Do not overindulge in the enjoyment. Don’t be discouraged, despair and worry. Refrain from smoking.
I learn more things about this post
Nice awarness
actually we have to aware having our heart health